From Flooding to Farming – UTFI featured in World Water: Stormwater Management Magazine

Storing excess water underground could reduce floods and boost irrigation. James Clarke and Paul Pavelic report on a pilot project in Jiwai Jadid, India that will direct monsoon floodwaters into aquifers for agricultural use and ensure sustainable groundwater supplies during the dry season.   Read more here:

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UTFI showcased at High Level National Workshop in New Delhi

IWMI’s Prasun Gangopadhyay participated in a National Workshop on “Application and Uses of Hydro-Geomorphological Maps (HGMs) for Groundwater Prospection and Linkages” on 28-29th March 2016 where he presented “Role of Geo-Spatial Technology: Transforming Flood Hazards into Opportunity though UTFI in the Northern India” and discussed the capabilities of Indian Remote…

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UTFI Team visits the pilot site

A field visit was organized to Jiwai Jadid village in Rampur with all available partners to take stock of the progress of UTFI site preparation and to plan out implementation of work plans. Apart from site inspection and discussion with villagers, a few meetings were arranged with government officials in…

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Disaster Risk Management Conference

Paul Pavelic from IWMI presented the Underground Taming of Floods concept at the The 6th Annual Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2015), entitled “Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth”. This collaborative three day conference aimed to develop a comprehensive roadmap on…

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