Conference Flyer
PDFs of the seven presentations made during the Special Session
- Underground Taming for Floods for Irrigation (UTFI): An Innovative Approach to Tackling the Dual Challenge of Floods and Droughts at the River Basing Scale
- Underground Taming for Floods for Irrigation (UTFI): Global opportunities and economic viability
- Regional suitability assessment for Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation (UTFI)
- Technological Assessment of Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation (Utfi)
- Stakeholders Involvement for Mainstreaming UTFI in Programs and Policies of the Government of India
- Institutional Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation (UTFI) in the Ramganga Sub-basin: Status and Approaches for Sustainable Water Management and Livelihood Enhancement
- Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation Gendered Impacts of Intervention
Abstracts of the seven papers as published in the “Conference Book of
- UTFI: An innovative approach at the River basin scale
- Stakeholders’ involvement for mainstreaming UTFI in programs and policies
- Regional suitability assessment for underground taming of floods for irrigation
- Underground taming of floods for irrigation (UTFI): global suitability assessment
- Technological assessment of underground taming of floods for irrigation (UTFI)
- Institutional approaches to UTFI in the ramganga sub-basin
- Underground taming of floods for irrigation: gendered impacts of intervention

PDF 1.60MB
1. 10th World Congress on water Resources and Environment.
Media Coverage of UTFI
1. features UTFI
2. India’s national channel DD Kisan features UTFI in their program on water security
2. The Hindu – Pond comes to the rescue of farmers
3. IWMI Press Release
- How to Prevent Flooding Film Ideas Competition: Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation (UTFI)
Short version (3 mins) –
Long Version (7 mins) – (English)
Research Outputs
- Pavelic P., Brindha K., Amarnath G., Eriyagama N., Mutuwatte L., Smakhtin V., Gangopadhyay P., Malik R.P.S., Mishra A., Sharma B.R., Hanjra M.A., Reddy V. Ratna, Mishra V.K., Verma C.L. and Kant L. (2015) Controlling floods and droughts via underground storage: From concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges Basin. IWMI Research Report No 165.
- Pavelic, P., Srisuk, K., Saraphirom, P., Nadee, S., Pholkern, K., Chusanathas, S., Munyou, S., Tangsutthinon, T., Intarasut, T. and Smakhtin, V. (2012) Balancing-out floods and droughts: Opportunities to utilize floodwater harvesting and groundwater storage for agricultural development in Thailand. Journal of Hydrology 470–471:55–64.
- Giriraj etal 2015. Flood mapping and monitoring using envisat-asar wide swath mode data for southeast asia
- Brindha, K., Pavelic, P., Lagudu, S., Muthuwatta, L., Eriyagama, N., Amarnath, G. and Smakhtin, V. (2014) Novel conjunctive groundwater-surface water management for controlling floods and droughts. 41st IAH International Congress on “Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies”, Marrakech, Morocco, 15th to 19th September 2014.
- Pavelic, P. and Brindha, K. (2014) Novel approach to managing floods and droughts at the river basin scale in the developing world (with demonstration of a short animation showcasing innovative concept of ‘underground taming of floods for irrigation- UTFI’), IRDC, Davos, Switzerland. August 2014.
- K, Brindha and Pavelic, P. (2016) Identifying priority watersheds to mitigate floods and droughts by novel conjunctive water use management.. Environmental Earth Sciences (In Press).
- Eriyagama, N., Muthuwatta, L. and Thilakarathne, M. (2014) Minimizing flood damage and augmenting dry season water availability: prospects for floodwater harvesting and underground storage in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka. Ministry of Disaster Management. Proceedings of the Disaster Management Conference: The future we want- Safer Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 24-26 September 2014. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Ministry of Disaster Management. pp.379-381.